Plumbing Coordination Services
We provide clash-free coordinated 3D BIM models by resolving clashes of the plumbing system with the mechanical, electrical, architectural, and structural systems – leading to minimal design change order.
Plumbing Coordination Services
Plumbing Model Creation
We create a plumbing system model (LOD 100 to 500) which is coordinated and integrated with the mechanical, electrical, and base model (architectural & structural).
Coordination Ownership
We accompany you for the on-site gatekeeper meetings/visits or be a part of coordination meetings, facilitating the entire building design coordination phase from schematic design to construction stage.
Clash Report Generation
We run multiple clash detection tests to identify the maximum plumbing design clashes (hard & soft) with the system models and the base models to generate a clash report.
Design Modification
We implement the necessary design changes discussed during the coordination meetings into the plumbing system model and eventually deliver a fully integrated & coordinated construction model.
Our Plumbing Coordination Process
Load plumbing BIM template based on the client’s standards for plumbing system such as pumps, water holding tanks, pool filtration equipment, sump, sewage pit, grease and sand traps, etc.
Verify/Check the coordinate of the architectural model with the plumbing model by using the “Origin to Origin” positioning approach before linking them.
Prepare the plumbing model which includes plumbing components such as pumps, water holding tanks, pool filtration equipment, sump, sewage pit, grease and sand traps, etc. for coordination within the central file.
In Navisworks plumbing model is coordinated with other disciplines and by clicking on “Run Test”, it shows the “Clash Report” occurred between the coordinated model.
After resolving plumbing clashes, we reload the cache in the Navisworks and make sure resolved clashes are in yellow, and check if any new clashes which will show up in red.
Plumbing Coordination & Clash Detection Reports
Plumbing to Structural Discipline
Plumbing to Mechanical Discipline
Plumbing to Electrical Discipline